
Ashman has developed strong themes within her practice based on the photographic image.
Ashman's studies of deaf people signing, have led to work in which she addresses issues of religious faith, spirituality and emotion. Hands feature as a recurring theme in her images, whether re affirming positive qualities of human nature or as a means of expression.

Interview with Ashman at london print studio

The series 'A Time for everything' was created from photo shoots of the Japanese choreographer, Chisato Minamimura.

interview in the Guardian with Chisato Minamimura

about Chisato Minamimura

Ashman has recently photographed David Bower and Isolte Avila who founded Signdance collective in 2001. Signdance Collective develops original performances using signdance, the unique visual language they created twenty one years ago.
Her new works, Dolce and Con Fuoco, were from photographs of SignDance performing 'Here' choreographed by Primoz Bayziac.

Sign Dance Collective